Staying in touch after DFID
​The UK Department for International Development (DFID) was created in May 1997 and merged with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in September 2020 to form the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). If you have ever been employed by DFID (or its predecessors the Overseas Development Administration or the Overseas Development Ministry) for a period of six months or more, you are eligible to join the DFID Alumni Association.
Our members are spread across the world and include both those retired and those who have left DFID to pursue new work or other opportunities. We are always keen to welcome new members. Please let us have your ideas on how we can best serve your interests and those of our diverse membership.
Purpose of the Association:
to enable members to maintain contact with each other, and with serving FCDO staff
to enable members to maintain their interest in and to support FCDO’s development work
to provide information on opportunities to provide expertise to FCDO or other organisations.
What we offer to Alumni Members:
Discussion forum (Members only)
Job vacancies (Members only)